Edinburgh Medical School: Medical Education Board of Studies Remit
The remit of the Board of Studies is:
1. to consider and endorse proposals for new or revised courses, programmes and awards; and for new learning, teaching and assessment methods before referring the proposals to the relevant College committee(s). These are proposals for:
- Credit-bearing courses, programmes and awards listed in the Degree Regulations and Programmes of Studies Degree Programme Tables http://www.drps.ed.ac.uk/
- Massive Open Online Courses www.ed.ac.uk/studying/online-learning/moocs/moocs
2. to approve minor changes to existing courses and programmes;
3. to offer advice on the School’s portfolio of programmes;
4. annually to approve Key Information Set Learning, Teaching and Assessment course information and Degree Programme Accreditation information, recording this approval in the Board of Studies’ minutes;
5. to consider and report its views on any other academic matter to the appropriate College(s) and/or College committee(s), whether independently or in response to a College or University request.