CSCE College CPAG Remit

​​​​Structure and Remit: The core membership of this Group will comprise one Computing Officer per School in CSE (nominated by the HoS), a secretary working as convenor and recorder, and a Chair: a senior CO nominated by the Head of College. 
  • Core members are expected to attend meetings.
  • If core members cannot attend, they are asked to provide a proxy who will attend in place of them
  • Other COs may attend if they wish.
  • The Group may co-opt other members of staff, when specific expertise is required.​
  • The Chair of CCPAG will be an ex officio members of College Library and Information Strategy Committee (CLISC). 
  • The secretary will act as Convenor for the Group meetings.
  • The Chair of CLISC has the right of attendance at CCPAG meetings.
The agenda of the Group is partly self-driven (a means of raising issues and initiating activity) partly referrals from CLISC and College. 
Its roles include provision of: 
  • technical advice to CLISC on specific issues when requested.
  • feedback to the CO community from CLISC.
  • pro-active input to CLISC- ranging from unsolicited commentary on matters raised, to identifying new technologies which could be exploited, to providing feedback on the suitability of current (and proposed) technologies and services.
The Group is asked to provide clear and comprehensible information, and not to get bogged down in technical detail.
The Group is invited to propose strategic developments and specific, “high-level” issues for attention at College and/or University level, presenting them in a clear and principled way which may enable CLISC to progress them at higher levels in the University. 
​SciCOs: SciCOs continues to operate in parallel with CCPAG as a technical forum with talks etc.

Previous meeting

8 May 2024 (Wednesday, 8 May 2024, 1.30pm - 3.00pm)