College Assessment and Feedback Oversight Group Remit
Court Directive that University to have oversight of student assessment and feedback in order to ensure there is improvements across the University.
Quality Enhancement and Standards recent review by the QAA picked up student assessment and feedback as an area for improvement in their report.
Respond to the need to improve assessment and feedback for our students in line with our agreed Assessment and Feedback Principles and Priorities.
To be confident that CMVM Schools/Deaneries are monitoring assessment times, tracking marking turnaround times and implementing the broader application of the A&F principles and priorities.
Initial Focus
- Having oversight of the implementation of the University process for tracking assessment marking and feedback turnaround times
- To agree a College/School/Deanery escalation process if turnaround times not met
- To be confident that all courses within CMVM Schools/Deaneries are monitoring assessment deadlines, adherence to meeting maximum three-week turnaround and taking action where delivery is not met (i.e. escalation process)
- Discuss and agree a CMVM position on items being discussed at University committees/groups so that this can be fed into University decision making (e.g. core data, processes, reporting etc) to enable effective monitoring by Heads of School/College as well as the Student Experience Delivery and Monitoring Board.
- To ensure that all students are given a clear rubric for all assessments
- To ensure quality of feedback so students are clear of expectations
- Assessment deadline mapping, understanding the assessment timetable for students