College Learning and Teaching Committee Remit

The remit of CLTC is to:

    1. Formulate and drive forward policy and strategy relating to learning and teaching, in line with College and University strategic priorities for taught programmes.
    2. Promote quality enhancement in learning and teaching across the College and, where possible and pedagogically appropriate, ensure consistency of practice across the College.
    3. Develop aspects of the student experience that relate to learning, teaching and assessment.
    4. Discuss matters including but not limited to curricular development, regulations, student support or assessment and progression.
    5. Consider and approve concessions for students on taught programmes, through its Concessions Subcommittee.
    6. Contribute to the strategic development of the College's taught programme portfolio, through the College Curriculum Approval Board, a joint subcommittee of CLTC and College Researcher Training Committee (CRTC).
    7. Discuss matters referred to CLTC by Senatus Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC), Senatus Curriculum and Student Progression Committee (CSPC), Senatus Quality Assurance Committee, College Strategy and Management Committee (CSMC) or the College Student Experience Task Group, as appropriate.

Previous meeting

College Learning and Teaching Committee (Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 2.00pm - 5.00pm)