College Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee (CMVM) Remit


The College Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee assures and actively promotes the quality of all learning and teaching provision (UG and PG, taught and research, credit-bearing and non-credit-bearing) in the College. It oversees the development and implementation of College Quality Assurance and Enhancement policies and procedures, and the application of University policies. It encourages quality enhancement through the recognition, dissemination and encouragement of good practice.


  • to monitor the systems used by Schools and Deaneries to establish and maintain appropriate standards for courses and degree programmes, for assessment methods and for teaching quality;
  • to ensure systems are in place for academic audit and quality assurance across the College in UG and PG award bearing programmes, and in matters relating to student admission and welfare. This includes staff/student liaison, student feedback, annual course monitoring and the external examiner system;
  • to review the continuing development of Schools' and Deaneries' QA Models, in the light of internal changes and external requirements;
  • to receive School and Deanery Annual QA Reports in an annual cycle;
  • to audit the engagement and response of Schools and Deaneries to the Reports of External Examiners;
  • to receive, audit and monitor responses by Schools and Deaneries to recommendations of Teaching Programme Reviews and Postgraduate Programme Reviews, and report outcomes to Senatus Quality Assurance Committee;
  • to approve the College's Annual QA Report to the Senatus Quality Assurance Committee;
  • to support preparation for visits from agencies such as the QAA or bodies such as the General Medical Council, General Dental Council  or Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, responding to reports and ensuring appropriate action is taken;
  • to communicate with the College Strategy Committee on QA/QE issues;
  • to collaborate with College UG and PG Learning and Teaching Committees in quality enhancement through the recognition and encouragement of innovative and good practice;
  • to liaise with the Senatus Quality Assurance Committee and to ensure institutional strategic requirements are met.


The Committee will act with authority, as delegated by College Strategy Group, to take decisions regarding the development and implementation of the College's UG and PG QA and QE strategy.

The Committee will report directly to the Senatus Quality Assurance Committee as necessary, but at least annually.

The Committee will work closely with the College UG Learning & Teaching Committee and the College PG Learning & teaching Committee in taking forward its remit.


The Committee will usually meet five times a year. Additional meetings may be convened if necessary.

The Committee will also interact electronically, as is necessary for its business to be effectively progressed.

Agenda, papers and approved minutes will be published on the University's web pages in accordance with the University's publication scheme.

Previous meeting

10th December 2025 (Tuesday, 10 December 2024, 2.00pm - 4.00pm)