Health & Wellbeing Committee Remit

Purpose :  The Health and Wellbeing Sub Committee (HAWSC) is a thematic committee of the University Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee (USHAW). Its remit being to focus on the health and wellbeing of staff; where duties exist through legislation, where it contributes to the University Strategy and also where it promotes a positive health and wellbeing culture for all staff. It will align to a 'whole university' approach to health and wellbeing, by recognising the student wellbeing strategy and direction and connecting shared objectives where appropriate. It will provide a forum for engagement and ensure an annual health and wellbeing plan is in place to deliver on the objectives, monitor performance against the plan and deliver continual improvement.   Health and Wellbeing Sub-committee Terms of Reference.pdf

Health and Wellbeing Committee Intranet (Members only)

Previous meeting

H&W Committee meeting (Thursday, 31 October 2024, 2.00pm - 4.00pm)