HR Staff Committee Remit
1. Purpose
It is the role of Staff Committee to exercise strategic oversight of the Universitys approach to human resource policy and practice, to ensure that it is managing its HR issues effectively, in keeping with good practice, and monitoring how HR strategies contribute to improved organisational performance. To this end, to provide advice and guidance to the Central Management Group and Court, with respect to the Universitys strategic priorities in relation to people management.
2. Composition
2.1. The Committee shall consist of 18 members:
2.1.1 Members of the Staff Committee will be appointed by Court on the recommendations of the Nominations Committee, which will take cognisance of ex officio membership and will endeavour to achieve a balance in membership with regard to equality and diversity characteristics.
2.1.2 All members of the Staff Committee shall comply with the Universitys Code of Conduct and require to declare any interests which may conflict with their responsibilities as members of the Staff Committee (particularly important for external members).
2.1.3 Those members who serve on the Committee and who are not ex officio, will initially be appointed for 3 years with eligibility to be reappointed for normally one further period of office.
2.2. Two members of Court shall be members of the Committee one of whom shall be a lay member of Court.
2.3. The Heads of Colleges and Support Groups shall be members of the Committee and if unable to attend meetings may send a representative to be in attendance to represent the views of the College or the Support Group.
2.4. Other members of the Committee shall be:
i) The Head of a major research institute within the University ii) The Director of Human Resources
iii) An external Director of HR from industry commerce or the professions
iv) One external member drawn from such bodies as: an employers organisation, a Leadership Organisation, or a significant stakeholder body such as RCUK.
2.5. The Vice-Principals and Assistant Principals with responsibility for:
i) Academic Enhancement;
ii) Equality and Diversity;
iii) Internationalisation;
iv) Planning, Resources and Research Policy;
v) Research Training and Community Relations; and vi) Taught Postgraduate Programmes
shall also be members of the Committee.
2.6 A Head of Human Resources shall always be invited to be in attendance at meetings as a representative of the senior HR community and shall receive all papers unless otherwise determined.
2.7 The Convener of the Committee shall be the Vice-Principal for Equality and Diversity.
3. Meetings
3.1 The Committee shall meet as required to fulfil its remit and will meet at least three times in each academic session. The Committee may consider urgent matters through correspondence.
3.2 Minutes, agendas and papers will normally be circulated to members of the Committee at least five days in advance of the meeting. Late papers may be circulated up to two days before the meeting. Only in the case of extreme urgency and with the agreement of the Convener will papers be tabled at meetings of the Committee.
3.3 Non-contentious or urgent matters not on the agenda may be considered at a meeting subject to the agreement of the Convener of the meeting and the majority of members present.
3.4 Papers will indicate the originator/s and purpose of the paper, the matter/s which the Committee is being asked to consider and any action/s required and confirm the status of the paper in respect of freedom of information legislation.
3.5 Six members of the Committee shall be a quorum. The Convener or Director of
Human Resources must be present at all meetings for the meeting to be quorate.
3.6 A formal minute will be kept of proceedings and submitted for approval at the next meeting of the Committee. The draft minute will be agreed with the Convener of the Committee prior to circulation and in the case of the absence of the Convener at a meeting the Committee member appointed to act as Convener for the duration of that specific meeting. The Director of HR will normally Chair the meeting in the absence of the Convener.
3.7 The agenda and papers will be sent as appropriate to all those in attendance, normally five days in advance of the meeting.
4. Remit
4.1 To be proactive in providing advice and guidance on the strategic direction of the Universitys overall human resource objectives and the policies designed to achieve them.
4.2 To encourage innovation with respect to the Universitys employment policies.
4.3 To receive advice from and provide support to the Director of HR in relation to matters of corporate interest and provide a forum for input, discussion and feedback on contemporary HR practice.
4.4 To identify external and internal developments and drivers which are relevant to the
Universitys success to help inform its strategic HR priorities.
4.5 To keep under review arrangements for monitoring staff attitudes and opinions and to advise the Court accordingly.
4.6 To ensure the Universitys HR strategies and their implementation continue to be consistent with stakeholder expectations.
4.7 To give due consideration to issues of diversity in all areas of work.
4.8 To monitor the Universitys key performance indicators with regard to its strategic HR
objectives as agreed by Court.
4.9 To provide advice on the effective management of the key risks the University is seeking to manage in the context of realising its HR Strategy.
5. Other
5.1 The Staff Committee shall report to Court via the Central Management Group and the Finance and General Purposes Committee because of its remit to ensure the effective management of the Universitys resources. A report on issues discussed at each meeting will be provided to the subsequent meeting of Court.
5.2 The Committee will from time to time undertake a review of its own performance and effectiveness as part of the overall review of the effectiveness of Court and its Committees and report thereon to Court.
5.3 In order to fulfil its remit the Committee may obtain external professional advice as necessary.
5.4 Agenda, papers and approved minutes will be published on the Universitys internet in accordance with the Universitys agreed publication scheme and status of the above in respect of the freedom of information legislation. This will include details on the membership of the Committee.