CMVM Postgraduate Taught Learning and Teaching Committee Remit
The CMVM Postgraduate Taught Learning & Teaching Committee is no longer an active Committee as of the start of the 2024/25 academic session, due to the implementation of the College Education Committee. Content held in this area is for archive purposes only.
Postgraduate Taught Learning & Teaching Committee Terms of Reference and Membership
Purpose of the Committee
The College Postgraduate Learning & Teaching Committee is a strategic and operational committee reporting to the College Strategy Group and the Senatus Education Committee, and liaising closely with the College QA Committee and the College Undergraduate Learning and Teaching Committee on all matters relating to the development and implementation of the College’s learning and teaching strategy.
- In partnership with the College Undergraduate Learning and Teaching Committee, to provide direction and oversee the development and implementation of the College Learning and Teaching Strategy;
- to promote University and College strategy in course, programme and curricular development;
- to promote quality enhancement in postgraduate learning and teaching across the College, identifying and promoting good practice in learning, teaching and assessment;
- to consider equality and diversity issues related to the postgraduate student experience, curriculum development and assessment practices;
- to develop student support arrangements and other aspects of the postgraduate student experience that relate to learning, teaching and assessment;
- to consider and approve major changes to existing programmes and awards; the closure of degree programmes and awards, other postgraduate curriculum changes, and academic regulations;
- to receive and note reports from the Boards of Studies or equivalent (Clinical Sciences; Biomedical Sciences, , Molecular, Genetic & Population Health Sciences; and Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Sciences, and Medical Education);
- to have oversight of new courses, major amendments to courses and closure of courses;
- to discuss matters referred on issues such as curricular development, regulations, student support or progress;
- to receive early notification forms for new programme proposals.
- to report to the College Strategy Group and to the Senatus Education Committee; and to discuss issues referred by them and by the Senatus Academic Policy and Regulations Committee to the College.
The Committee will act with authority, as delegated by College Strategy Group, to take decisions regarding the development and implementation of the College’s Postgraduate learning and teaching Strategy.
The Committee will report directly to the College Strategy Group and the Senatus Education Committee as necessary.
The Committee will work closely with the College Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee and the College Undergraduate Learning and Teaching Committee in taking forward its remit.
The Committee will usually meet four times a year, in October, December, February and May. Additional meetings may be convened if necessary.
The Committee will also interact electronically, as is necessary for its business to be effectively progressed.
Agenda, papers and approved minutes will be published on the website in accordance with the University’s publication scheme:
The Concessions Sub-Committee is a joint sub-group of this committee and
the Undergraduate Learning and Teaching Committee and considers and endorses
undergraduate and postgraduate concession requests required to go to Senatus
Academic Policy and Regulations Committee for final approval