R(D)SVS Postgraduate Taught Learning and Teaching Committee Remit

* To drive forward and disseminate policy on all matters relating to teaching and learning for the School's PGT programmes. 
* Overall responsibility for the co-ordination and strategic development of PGT programme delivery 
* To consult and provide a forum for discussion of taught post-graduate learning and teaching issues 
* To receive and consider proposals for changes to PGT courses and examination boards 
* To oversee assessment and feedback across all PGT programmes and to initiate change and development 
* To discuss and develop policy regarding student support across all PGT programmes 
* To provide Level 1 approval of external examiner appointments for PGT programmes 
* To discuss and report on issues arising from College PGT Committee and School PG Studies Committee 
This committee meets approx. 6-8 times a year, reports to the College PGT Learning & Teaching Committee, and feeds into the School PG Studies Committee (whose remit is largely PGR focused).  Membership of the School PGLT Committee includes all programme directors, co-ordinators and administrators, and DEU and other PGT support staff.​

Next meeting

PGTLTC (Thursday, 7 November 2024, 10.00am - 11.30am)

Previous meeting

PGTLTC - Handbooks and BoE memberships (Monday, 2 September 2024, 2.00pm - 3.00pm)