University Collections Advisory Committee (UCAC) Remit
To maintain an oversight of the care and development of the University Collections and report to the Knowledge Strategy Committee through the appropriate Vice-Principal.
To advise and assist the Director of Library & University Collections and curators on any matter falling within their terms of reference, including the acquisition and disposal of materials from the collections.
To receive annual written reports from the curators of the Talbot Rice Art Gallery, the Musical Instrument Museums Edinburgh, the Anatomical Collections, the Cockburn Museum of Geology and the Natural History Collection of the University of Edinburgh, and to comment thereon as appropriate to the Knowledge Strategy Committee.
To receive an annual report covering the issues affecting the University Collections from the Director of Library & University Collections and to comment thereon as appropriate to the Knowledge Strategy Committee through the appropriate Vice-Principal.
In the event of serious conflict of opinion either within the Committee or between the Committee and the Director of Library & University Collections, the Convenor of the Committee will retain the discretion to report to the Principal.
The Committee will normally meet three times a year.