Veterinary Medicine Quality Assurance & Enhancement Committee Remit
The Veterinary Medicine Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee (VMQAEC) assures and actively promotes the quality of learning and teaching across all taught programme provision and postgraduate research within the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies (R(D)SVS). It oversees the development and implementation of robust Quality Assurance and Enhancement procedures, and the application of University and College policies. It encourages quality enhancement through the recognition, dissemination and encouragement of good practice.
- To ensure mechanisms are in place for monitoring and improving the quality of Learning and Teaching across all taught programmes (with oversight of postgraduate research provision)
- To liaise and interact regularly with College Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee
- To provide a School Annual Quality Report for Senate Quality Assurance Committee (SQAC)
- To contribute to the preparation for and participation in visits from professional accreditation bodies and University QA reviews, and responses to reports
- To ensure there is adequate guidance available for the varied roles of teaching-related staff in Quality Assurance and Enhancement
- Receive, monitor and review annually a suite of evidence from course and programme teams, external examiners and students on the quality and enhancement of learning, teaching and the student experience at both course and programme level
- Ensure feedback from students, teaching-related staff and external examiners is responded to, actioned as appropriate, and outcomes effectively communicated in a cyclical manner
- Communicate with UG and PG Learning and Teaching committees identified good practice and innovation, and themes of cross-programme challenges for discussion and response
Committee Structure
- The committee operates independently of the three School Learning and Teaching Committees (Undergraduate, Postgraduate Taught and Global Academy) and the PGR Committee.
- The convenor (normally School Director of Quality) and deputy convenor of VMQAEC each sit on one of the School L&T committees to allow two way dialogue between committees, however VMQAEC reports directly to College and Senate QAE committees
- The committee comprises 6 - 8 Vet School staff, an external member from another college and student representation from the Dick Vet Students' Union
- Committee normally meets four times per year
- Term of office for members is normally four years
- New Vet School academic staff committee members will be sought by open call to all staff