Edinburgh Medical School - Biomedical Sciences Board of Studies Remit


The main purposes of the Edinburgh Medical School: Biomedical Sciences Board of Studies is:

  • to consider proposals for new courses, programmes and awards;
  • to consider changes to existing courses, programmes and awards;
  • to consider the closure of existing courses, programmes or awards; and
  • to keep teaching, learning and assessment methodologies under review.

The Board of Studies ensures that proposals are academically appropriate and supported by evidence and documentation. It ensures that all interested parties in the University are aware of proposals. The Board of Studies also ensures that courses, programmes and awards align with relevant criteria:

  • the University's Curriculum Framework (see 2.3. and 2.4 below);
  • the Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework levels and credit values;
  • subject benchmark statements, where relevant; and
  • any relevant professional body requirements.

The remit of the Board of Studies is:

  1. to consider and endorse proposals for new or revised courses, programmes and awards; and for new learning, teaching and assessment methods before referring the proposals to the relevant College committee(s). These are proposals for:
    • Credit-bearing courses, programmes and awards listed in the Degree Regulations and Programmes of Studies Degree Programme Tables http://www.drps.ed.ac.uk/
    • Credit-bearing and non-credit bearing continuing professional development courses in the ;
  2. to approve minor changes to existing courses and programmes;
  3. to offer advice on the School’s portfolio of postgraduate programmes;
  4. annually to approve Key Information Set Learning, Teaching and Assessment course information and Degree Programme Accreditation information, recording this approval in the Board of Studies’ minutes;
  5. to consider and report its views on any other academic matter to the appropriate College(s) and/or College committee(s), whether independently or in response to a College or University request.

Next meeting

Board of Studies (March 2025) (Wednesday, 5 March 2025, 2.00pm - 4.00pm)

Previous meeting

Board of Studies (November 2024) (Wednesday, 13 November 2024, 2.00pm - 4.00pm)