Fair Trade Steering Group (FTSG) Remit
The Fair Trade Steering Group (FTSG) meets at least three times per academic year to ensure an ongoing commitment from the University to review objectives and monitor progress. FTSG reports to the Sustainability and Environmental Advisory Group (SEAG).
FTSG includes one or more representatives from each of the following units:
- Academic staff
- Accommodation Services
- Communications and Marketing
- Chaplaincy
- Development & Alumni
- Edinburgh University Students' Association (EUSA)
- Estates and Buildings
- Fair trade student volunteers
- People & Planet (Edinburgh University Student Group)
- Sports Union
- Procurement
- Social Responsibility and Sustainability
- Other student societies
FTSG's role is to:
- Regularly review and make recommendations to revise the University's approach to fair trade procurement and awareness-raising, taking into account the latest developments in fair trade movements and in academia
- Share findings with other bodies, including collaboration on procurement of products & services
- Ensure that fair trade products are available in as many places as possible
- Continually review fair trade ranges and prices in existing shops and catering outlets
- Raise awareness of fair trade throughout the year, and in particular during Freshers' Week, Fairtrade Fortnight and on World Fair Trade Day
- Retain 'Fairtrade University' status for future years, including submitting a progress report to the Fairtrade Foundation every two years
- Work in partnership with the Edinburgh Fair Trade City initiative and the Scottish Fair Trade Forum to promote fair trade in Scotland - declared a Fair Trade Nation on 25th February 2013.