Geosciences Facilities Committee Remit
The School's Facilities Committee ("the Committee") is a sub-committee of the School's Policy & Resources Committee (SPARC). The Committee co-ordinates the long term strategic planning of the School's facilities, and is a communication and consultative group between Users, Facilities and the School's Facilities Senior Management Team.
The remit of the Committee is to:
- Provide oversight and advise on the development of the School's Facilities Strategy, management, reporting, communications and resources, including charging models, to ensure the School's facilities adequately support its strategic and operational priorities.
- Provide advice and support to the Facilities Senior Management Team (FSMT, being the Academic Head of Facilities - AHoF, and Physical Resources and Scientific/Technical Services Manager – PR&STSM) in implementation of the School's Facilities Management System, including oversight of Facility Profiles and Facility Reports.
- Review and allocate funds to support the development and management of facilities – including review of applications, award of funding, recommendation to SPARC and oversight of award follow-up. The Facilities Committee has responsibility over the annually allocated POT fund, Development fund and Contingency fund.
- Make recommendations to SPARC as appropriate.
Membership of the Committee includes representation from different Facilities, Research Institutes and users from across the School up to a maximum of 10 members in total, comprising:
- Facilities Senior Management Team - AHoF and PR&STSM (Co-Conveners)
- AHoF deals with calls for proposals and informing applicants of funding outcomes and PR&STSM circulates papers and drafts minutes
- Finance Manager
- Representatives of Academic/Research staff and Facility Managers from each of the types of Facilities in the Facilities Triangle as outlined in the School's Facilities Management System.
The term of each representative will be three years, extendable by two further periods of one year, up to a maximum of five years. Renewal of representatives will be rolling to ensure continuity of experience.
Quorum for any meeting will be 50% of members. Decisions will normally be reached by general agreement of members present. Where agreement cannot be reached, a decision will be that of the majority present at the meeting, or where there is no majority the Academic Head of Facilities will have the deciding vote.
- The Committee will normally meet four times a year, and may also interact or meet electronically as is necessary for its business to be effectively progressed.
- Agenda and papers will be made available to members 3-5 days prior to the meeting. The agenda will be made available on the School's website prior to the meeting. Minutes of the meeting will be circulated to members in draft format as soon as possible after the meeting, and made available on the School's website once approved along with open papers.
- The Committee will provide an annual report to SPARC through FSMT.
Responsibilities and Expectations of Committee Members
- Members are expected to be collegial and constructive in approach with a focus on achieving the best outcomes for the School as a whole. Discussions in Committee meetings and relating to Committee business dealt with electronically are confidential.
- Members are expected to communicate the work of the Committee to their respective areas and to bring forward matters from their areas, both research and teaching related, for discussion by the Committee.
- Members should participate fully in the work of the Committee by providing timely feedback in order to provide the broad spectrum of thoughts and opinions which are necessary for proper consideration of the area being discussed; and ensure that they are empowered to take decisions on behalf of colleagues.
Annual Cycle of Business
- Review bids for Development and POT funds
- Review any bids for Facilities development/equipment replacement
- Review Facilities annual reports
- Review annual strategic report to SPARC (3 year plan)
- Feedback about Facilities
- Review bids for Development and POT funds
- Review any bids for Facilities development/equipment replacement
- Feedback from SPARC on annual strategic report
- Feedback about Facilities
- Review bids for Development and POT funds
- Review any bids for Facilities development/equipment replacement
- Feedback from SPARC on Facilities Strategy
- Feedback about Facilities
- Review bids for Development and POT funds
- Review any bids for Facilities development/equipment replacement
- Feedback about Facilities