GeoSciences School Student Recruitment Committee Remit

Purpose and Role

The School Student Recruitment Committee (SSRC) is responsible for supporting and driving forward the School Recruitment Strategy to assist the School in achieving its stated claims in relation to student recruitment. It will provide a communications interface between the School's teams, in particular the Marketing and Recruitment team, Undergraduate Admissions Advisors, Degree Programme Convenors and the Postgraduate Programme Directors, as well as relevant University teams such as College Marketing / Admissions, and Edinburgh Global.



The remit of the Committee is to:

  1. Support the aims and objectives of the School Marketing and Recruitment Strategy, and the School Annual Plan. Determining priorities for the delivery of School activities including staff resources.
  2. Strengthen the network of communications among the School relating to student recruitment.
  3. Review recruitment and conversion activities, such as staff involvement for events, and creation of content to support marketing and conversion.
  4. Provide feedback and suggestions regarding recruitment issues raised by staff and disseminate information about School marketing, recruitment and admission objectives. Where appropriate, produce papers for consideration at committees such as School Teaching and Learning, and SPARC.
  5. Provide advice on admissions decisions such as entry requirements and intake targets to ensure reach, and suitability of applicants.
  6. Link with various widening participation and outreach activities in the School and at College level where they relate to student recruitment.​

Previous meeting

School Student Recruitment Committee (SSRC) (Tuesday, 11 January 2022, 2.00pm - 3.00pm)