Little France Health & Safety Committee Remit
It is the responsibility of each floor-level H&S committee convener representative to report back to the Little France Buildings H&S Committee re matters arising from the floor-level committee meetings (e.g. request for policy direction, allocation of resources etc.).
Dissemination of Information/Papers and Circulation:
Minutes and Papers from the Little France Buildings H&S Committee will be circulated to Committee members and, through them, to floor-level and School H&S committees.
Each member should have a nominated deputy who should be prepared to attend the Little France Buildings H&S Committee if the principal member is unable to do so. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure their service or specific interests are represented at each meeting. They should also ensure that the Secretary to the Little France Buildings H&S Committee is aware of who the nominated deputy will be.
Responsibilities of the Little France Buildings H&S Committee:
- To maintain the Health & Safety Plan for Little France buildings whereby there is a single programmed strategy for implementation of best practice in all constituent areas and services.
- To receive regular reports from the Conveners of floor-level H&S committees in both buildings and individual services (such as the MRC and BRF), and reports from special remit committees (such as GM safety and radiation safety committees), acting to co-ordinate the work of each of these on a strategic basis across the whole site and aiming for uniformity of approach through promotion of a single H&S Manual for all laboratories in both buildings.
- To ensure that floor-level H&S committees are proactive in ensuring that safe practices are adopted and practised at all times (by means including safety audits and inspections, record keeping etc), also disseminating advise and information from the University’s centrally based H&S and other support services.
- To act as a clearing house for matters dictating a corporate approach on behalf of Little France building occupiers to the University’s centrally based H&S and other support services.
- Through the H&S Manager for Little France, co-ordinate H&S-related training for all workers in both buildings as required.
- Ensure effective exchange of information with Schools H&S Advisory Committees with regard to policy, safety audits etc.