Research Strategy Group Remit

The Research Strategy Group remit will include research strategy, fore sighting, research culture and research governance.  The group will provide oversight for major, cross-university projects.  The group will be concerned with research staff, PGR students (from a research perspective, not with regard to administration of their studies) and professional services support for research.  Research Support Group will have an overview of major projects, strategies, tactics and identifying cross-college opportunities and will monitor progress on major cross university initiatives. 

Via its sub-groups, RSG has an overview of Research Ethics and Integrity, Research Culture, which includes issues issues relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; Post Graduate Research; and Research Engagement.  RSG can convene specific projects groups or short-life working groups to deal with issues as required, such as the Growing Research Together Steering Group.  Research Strategy Group does not interfere with research issues that are more properly handled within the Colleges.  RSG plays an role in prioritising funding applications where numbers are restricted which is consistent with Universities UK good practice.

RSG will make recommendations to the University Executive.  RSG does not hold a budget.

RSG Terms of Reference and Membership.pdf

Next meeting

b 2024/25 - 2nd RSG meeting (Monday, 30 September 2024, 9.00am - 11.00am)

Previous meeting

a 2024/25 - 1st RSG meeting (Tuesday, 20 August 2024, 10.30am - 12.30pm)