Research Cultures Forum Remit

The Research Cultures Forum (RCF) is a critical and confidential space to uncover, explore, advise and support Research Strategy Group (RSG) in improving Research Cultures at University of Edinburgh.  The group will be both a resource for RSG in sourcing a broader range of views and inputs into their work, and also a critical friend to RSG in highlighting areas of difficulty or challenge for the University research community that may need to be addressed by RSG or other University structures.  The RCF will be chaired by members of the RCF selected via an open application process. 


Governance & Operation 

In partnership with Research Strategy Group, the RCF will promote positive research cultures at the University of Edinburgh through the following actions: 

  1. Provide suggestions for, and feedback on, the priorities of Research Strategy Group; 
  2. Provide critical assessment of strategies, policies and/or initiatives that address challenges related to research cultures; 
  3. Share observations and ongoing challenges related to research cultures in Schools and Colleges with the Research Strategy Group; 
  4. Support, advise on and communicate progress on the implementation of the Research Cultures Action Plan; 
  5. Support the development of research cultures narratives and their associated evidence in preparation for the University’s REF2028 submission;  
  6. Share good practice amongst and beyond members of the group to ensure continuous improvement of research cultures at Schools/Deaneries, Colleges and throughout the University.  
  7. The RCF will aim to promote transparency, inclusion and engagement in its activity by making the agenda, notes of the meeting and papers available within the University with the exception of closed business, via this committee site: Research Cultures Forum
Meeting Frequency  
  • The RCF will meet six times a year. Two meetings a year will be minuted meetings of RCF members, two meetings a year will be informal drop-in sessions where attendance from all members is encouraged and two meetings a year will be open to any member of the University of Edinburgh staff or student population to join.  
  • RCF members who are not able to attend at least half of meetings and drop-ins in a year, will be asked to relinquish their membership of the Forum. 
  • RCF may also support other events that will be open to a wider audience. 


  • RCF is a subgroup of Research Strategy Group and will report on its activities to RSG twice a year.  The co-chairs will be invited to attend a meeting of RSG once each year to present a report in person, the other report will be presented for information.   
  • Should RCF have issues that it wishes to be brought to the attention of RSG, the co-chairs will liaise with the RSG Chair/Secretary.
  • Members are encouraged to post information, discussion items and questions on the Teams site.
  • Members will share presentations and updates from meeting and drop-ins with their networks.


  • RCF membership will have representation from all Colleges and support services, including staff who support PhD students and PDRAs, Institute for Academic Development, Human Resources and Edinburgh Research Office.  
  • Members are expected to feed into ongoing discussions related to research cultures across the university and promote and communicate activity where appropriate.  
  • Members will attend each meeting or will provide feedback on agenda items/papers if unable to attend.   
  • The RCF will be open to guest membership and invite experts when required to ensure critical discussions that support and improve existing research cultures.  
  • The Co-Chairs of the RCF will be members of the Research Cultures Delivery Group
  • Membership will be reviewed every year to ensure continued engagement, with a University wide call for new members issued if the group membership drops below 30 as part of this process.  A maximum of two staff members from each department/school/institute/unit will be permitted.  
  • Where the call for members does not produce a representative spread of membership across the University (as judged by the Chair(s) and Head of Research Cultures) units will be asked to nominate members.


Meetings will be supported by the Institute for Academic Development, with short notes and actions provided as a summary after each meeting, hosted on-line or as hybrid events. 

Previous meeting

Research Cultures Forum - Open Meeting December 2024 (Thursday, 12 December 2024, 11.00am - 12.00pm)